Client Extension API reference

List of all available methods on an Bark extended Prisma client.

Good to know

Bark doesn't override any of the existing Prisma model queries but it is strongly recommended to create / delete new nodes using the extensions API otherwise the tree structure might not work and require a lot of manual intervention to untangle it. For similar reasons it's best not to directly update path, numchild, and depth properties.

Extend a Prisma Client

To extend a Prisma Client you only have to import Bark and call it with the Bark-compatible models passed into the modelNames property.

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
import { withBark } from 'prisma-extension-bark'

const xprisma = new PrismaClient().$extends(withBark({ modelNames: ['node'] }))



Creates a root node if one doesn't exist already or adds a sibling to an already existing one. Returns the newly create node entry.

const root = await xprisma.node.createRoot({ data: { name: 'My new root' } })
// { id: 1, path: '0001', depth: 1, numchild: 0, name: 'My new root' }


Creates a new child to the defined node in either where or node arguments. Returns the newly create node entry.

const futureParent = await xprisma.node.findUnique({ where: { id: 1 }})
const child = await xprisma.node.createChild({
	node: futureParentNode,
	data: { name: 'New born' }, 
	select: { name: true } 
// { name: 'New born' }


Creates a new sibling to the defined node in either where or node arguments. The node will be created at after last sibling of the level. Returns the newly create node entry.

const aSibling = await xprisma.node.findUnique({ where: { id: 1 }})
const newSibling = await xprisma.node.createSibling({
	node: root,
	data: { name: 'New sibling' }, 
	select: { name: true } 
// { name: 'New sibling' }



Returns all nodes in tree, including the parent if provided. By default the tree is ordered by path in ascending order.

const tree = await xprisma.node.findTree({
	parent: { where: { path: '00010001' } },
	select: { path: true }
// [{ path: '00010001' }, { path: '000100010001' }, ...]


Returns all ancestors, from the root node to the parent, of the defined node in either where or node arguments. If the findAncestors called on a root node it will return null. By default the tree is ordered by path in ascending order.

const ancestors = await xprisma.node.findAncestors({
	where: { path: '0001000100010001' },
	select: { path: true }
// [{ path: '0001' }, { path: '00010001' }, { path: '000100010001' }]


Returns all descendants, excluding itself, of the defined node in either where or node arguments. If the findDescendants called on a leaf node it will return null. By default the tree is ordered by path in ascending order.

const descendants = await xprisma.node.findDescendants({
	where: { path: '0001' },
	select: { path: true }
// [{ path: '00010001' }, { path: '000100010001' }, { path: '00010002' }]


Return the parent node of the defined node in either where or node arguments. If the findParent called on a root node it will return null.

const parent = await prisma.node.findParent({where: { path: '00010002' }, select: { path: true, name: true }})
// { path: '0001', name: 'Root A' }


Returns all direct children nodes of the defined node in either where or node arguments. When no children were found it will return null. By default the tree is ordered by path in ascending order.

const children = await xprisma.node.findChildren({
	where: { path: '00010001' },
	select: { path: true }
// [{ path: '000100010001' }, { path: '000100010002' }, ...]


Returns all sibling nodes, including itself, of the defined node in either where or node arguments. By default the tree is ordered by path in ascending order.

const siblings = await xprisma.node.findSiblings({
	where: { path: '00010001' },
	select: { path: true }
// [{ path: '00010001' }, { path: '00010002' }, ...]


Returns the last root node. If no root node exist it returns null.

const lastRootNode = await xprisma.node.findLastRoot({ select: { name: true } })
// { name: 'Root C' }



Deletes the node and all its descendants. Returns the count of deleted nodes just like deleteMany would.

const deletedNodesCount = await xprisma.node.deleteNode({ where: { path: '00010001' })
// { count: 6 }


Deletes all matching nodes found by the where filter and their descendants using the least number of operations. Returns the count of deleted nodes just like deleteMany would. If no nodes were deleted it will return null.

const deletedNodesCount = await xprisma.node.deleteManyNodes({ 
	where: { 
		id: {
			in: [9, 3, 10]
// { count: 12 }



Move the node of the defined node in either where or node arguments relative to the reference's node and the position argument. Throws if the targeted node is trying to be moved to own of its descendants, if the node is already in the requested position, or if either the target or the referenced node is not found. Returns undefined

const nodeBefore = await xprisma.node.findUnique({where: { id: 9 }})
// { path: '00010001', ... }
await xprisma.node.move({ 
	node: nodeBefore,
	position: 'first-child',
	reference: {
		where: {
			path: '00010002'
const nodeAfter = await xprisma.node.findUnique({where: { id: 9 }})
// { path: '000100020001', ... }

fixTree [TBD]

Not currently implemented. See issue on GitHub to make your voice heard, or have a go at it.

Helpers [TBD]

These would serve as a syntactic sugar to help make repetitive task easier. An example function be isDescendantOf, a function that would compare a node to another return true if it's, well, a descendant of it. Let us know what helpers function you'd find useful on the dedicated GitHub issue.

Last updated